Plants to Avoid in your Northwest Garden

The land of the free and the home of the brave is a melting pot of immigrants, many of whom do their best to get along with their neighbors. The same thing can’t always be said for our gardens. Non-native species can be introduced into your yard or garden through both not paying attention to the label, and by hitchhiking via birds, car tires, boots and other transportation means. These invasive species can disrupt ecosystems and destroy native species.

Here are a few top species to avoid:

  • Himalayan blackberry – grows fast, can re-grow from chunks left in the soil.
  • Japanese knotweed – highly aggressive, spreads like crazy. Professionally trained experts can inject chemicals into the stem to eradicate these pesky invaders.
  • Scot’s Broom – while adding color to a hill, these plants thrive on sandy disturbed soil, spread seeds and increase nitrogen in the soil, changing the growing pattern of adjacent plants. One of the most difficult to eradicate.
  • Horsetail – the Horsetail is an aggressively growing plant that take over your garden, making it impossible for other species to grow. Pulling them only makes them grow faster and stronger, emerging from each new root scar.  These plants thrive in soils with a low pH level, few nutrients and poor oxygen level. While they can be eradicated, it can take years of persistent work.

There are many Washington state plants to avoid. For a full list, please download this PDF from the Washington State noxious weed control board. If you need help with weed eradication, give us a call at (360) 265-5231.
